This page provides information related to NCP Greece. Directly underneath, you find the scores of the NCP on the NCP Evaluation Project. The NCP is evaluated on the indicators with Yes, No or Partial/Not Applicable. The indicators are ordered per category. Only a few indicators per category are shown on this page. To see them all, click on “more…. indicators To see what indicator scores best among all NCPs go to the NCP Evaluation Overview. At the bottom, there is news related to the NCP.


NCP allows complainants to withhold their identity from the company for security reasons.

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Partial / N.A.
This indicator is permitted by the Procedural Guidance C.4 and Commentary §30 and §38 of the OECD Procedural Guidance for NCPs.
Accessibility, Predictability, Visibility

NCP policy commits it to handling complaints within 12 months and in practice NCP has followed this commitment or communicated punctually with parties over reasonable delays.

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Partial / N.A.
This indicator is required by Commentary §40 and §41 of the OECD Procedural Guidance for NCPs.
Equitability, Impartiality, Predictability, Transparency

NCP maintains transparency generally, but allows for confidentiality only over: (a) the personal identities of parties for security/privacy reasons (b) legitimately sensitive business information (c) documents shared and discussions had during the good offices stage.

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Partial / N.A.
This indictor is required by Procedural Guidance C.4 and Commentary §38 of the OECD Procedural Guidance for NCPs
More Procedures indicators

NCP ensures broad expertise in its complaint handling and promotion functions through formally involving diverse relevant government departments, having a multipartite structure, or having an independent expert structure.

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This indicator is permitted in Procedural Guidance A.2 of the OECD Procedural Guidance for NCPs.
Accessibility, Accountability

NCP is not housed within a ministry focused on economics, trade, or investment to ensure there is no real or perceived conflict of interest.

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This indicator is permitted by Procedural Guidance A.1 of the OECD Procedural Guidance for NCPs.
Accessibility, Accountability

NCP has an independent expert structure whereby complaints are handled strictly by non-governmental independent experts.

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This indicator is permitted by Procedural Guidance A.2 of the OECD Procedural Guidance for NCPs.
More Organisation indicators
Accountability, Transparency

Website publicizes NCP's budget and spending streams.

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This indicator is permitted by the Core criteria of the OECD Procedural Guidance for NCPs.
Partial / N.A.
This indicator is permitted by the Core criteria of the OECD Procedural Guidance for NCPs.
Accessibility, Predictability, Visibility

Website shows instructions on how to file complaints.

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This indicator is required by the Procedural Guidance C and Commentary §2 and in the language on accessibility in Core Criteria of the OECD Procedural Guidance for NCPs.
More Communication indicators