OECD Watch provides capacity building workshops, written guidance and information, digital tools, and advice to civil society organisations and victims of corporate abuse. We advise civil society and victims throughout the entire process of filing a complaint to a National Contact Point (NCP), from helping them decide whether and where to file a complaint, to guiding the drafting of the complaint and their participation in dispute resolution. We also advise civil society in using the OECD Guidelines and associated due diligence guidance to influence national and regional development of law and policy on responsible business conduct.

Example: OECD Watch assisted former Heineken factory workers in the Democratic Republic of Congo to file a Guidelines complaint against the Dutch beer brewer for unjustly dismissing them. The complaint resulted in Heineken paying the former workers more than US$ 2 million in compensation in 2017.
Example: OECD Watch published recommendations on why and how to align EU due diligence legislation with the OECD Guidelines.