OECD Watch publishes its new OECD Watch Guide to the Guidelines which is designed to help individuals, communities, NGOs and trade unions that have been negatively affected by corporate behaviour to address the alleged misconduct through filing an OECD Guidelines complaint.

The OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises are a unique, government-backed international corporate accountability mechanism aimed at encouraging responsible business behaviour around the world. They define standards for socially and environmentally responsible corporate behaviour and proscribe procedures for resolving disputes between corporations and the communities or individuals negatively affected by corporate activities. The dispute resolution mechanism which is a key feature of the OECD Guidelines is an instrument that stakeholders can use to address harmful corporate practices that have affected them and to seek remedy.
After reading this guide, potential complainants should have a better understanding of the key provisions in the Guidelines and their relevance to corporate behaviour and possibilities for confronting negative effects of corporate misconduct. The guide is intended to help individuals, communities, NGOs and trade unions understand how the specific instance procedure works, including the function of National Contact Points that are responsible for promoting adherence to the Guidelines and dealing with complaints regarding corporate misconduct. Additionally, OECD Watch’s guide will help potential complainants use the OECD Guidelines in their work and equip them with practical suggestions and examples of how to write and submit a complaint.