NCP Evaluations

The OECD Watch National Contact Point (NCP) evaluations assess NCPs against 38 key performance indicators evaluating their complaints handling procedures, organisation, and communication, based on the OECD Guidelines. The project seeks to encourage improvements at individual NCPs and within the NCP system as a whole.

In May 2024, OECD Watch updated the list of key performance indicators based on the updated Procedural Guidance contained in the Guidelines published in June 2023. You can read more about what was updated in this blog, and download the full list of indicators here.

The individual evaluations of NCPs against the new set of indicators will be conducted in 2024. The previous evaluations of NCPs, conducted in 2021, are still available on our website in the meantime.

  • View the methodology here
  • Scroll down for an overview of NCP performance based on our 2021 evaluations
  • See individual NCP evaluations from 2021 here
  • Read the outcomes & analysis of the previous evaluations here


NCP ensures broad expertise in its complaint handling and promotion functions through formally involving diverse relevant government departments, having a multipartite structure, or having an independent expert structure.

This indicator is permitted in Procedural Guidance A.2 of the OECD Procedural Guidance for NCPs.

Location in bureaucracy

NCP is not housed within a ministry focused on economics, trade, or investment to ensure there is no real or perceived conflict of interest.

This indicator is permitted by Procedural Guidance A.1 of the OECD Procedural Guidance for NCPs.

NCP structure

NCP has an independent expert structure whereby complaints are handled strictly by non-governmental independent experts.

This indicator is permitted by Procedural Guidance A.2 of the OECD Procedural Guidance for NCPs.

Peer review

NCP has undergone a peer review, or has a peer review formally scheduled in the near future.

This indicator is permitted by Commentary §19 of the OECD Procedural Guidance for NCPs.

Staffing resources

NCP employs the equivalent of two or more full-time staff.

This indicator is required by Amendment of the Decision of the Council I.4 and permitted by Commentary §2 and language on accessibility and accountability in Core Criteria of the OECD Procedural Guidance for NCPs.

Stakeholder advisory body

NCP has multi-stakeholder advisory body involving representatives of all three core stakeholder groups (labour unions, business, and NGOs) consulted at least 2 times in the past year.

This indicator is permitted by Commentary §11 of the OECD Procedural Guidance for NCPs.

Stakeholder involvement in NCP

NCP formally involves representatives of all three core stakeholder groups (labour unions, business, and NGOs) in its governance and decision-making structure. Examples are quadripartite NCPs and NCPs in which the three stakeholder groups nominate an independent member of the NCP or steering board.

This indicator is permitted by Procedural Guidance A.2 and Commentary §12 of the OECD Procedural Guidance for NCPs.