Recommendations by civil society on improving the Portuguese NCP's procedures, organisational structure, and communications

OECD Watch’s submission for NCP Portugal’s peer review highlights areas for improvement of particular concern to civil society in the NCP’s organisation, procedures, and communications. Our submission also includes recommendations for the NCP to improve these issues.

Among other recommendations, the submission notes the following issues:

  • Organisational structure: The NCP is located in the Ministries of Economy and Foreign Affairs and there is a lack of stakeholder involvement in the NCP. In our view, the NCP’s current organisation significantly and detrimentally affects civil society’s perceptions of the NCP’s accountability, accessibility, and visibility.
  • Procedures: Several aspects of NCP Portugal’s Rules of Procedure should be revised to enhance the effectiveness of the NCP. Among other issues, the Rules of Procedure are only available in Portuguese, significantly limiting the accessibility and visibility of the NCP.
  • Communication: Similarly, the majority of the NCP’s website is only available in Portuguese.


NCPs can volunteer to undergo peer reviews, which acknowledge the strengths and achievements of the NCP under review, identify areas for improvement, and provide recommendations for doing so.

Está também disponível para download uma tradução portuguesa da submissão do OECD Watch. / A Portuguese translation of OECD Watch’s submission is also available for download.

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