Date filed
4 April 2022
Countries of harm
Current status


On 4 April 2022, FOCSIV (Federazione degli Organismi Cristiani Servizio Internazionale Volontario) and several other Italian organizations filed a specific instance against Stellantis Italy (known as FCA Italy until 2021), a leading Italian automotive company and part of Netherlands-headquartered Stellantis NV, at the Italian NCP.

The complainants allege that the company is failing to provide adequate information about its cobalt suppliers in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) contrary to the OECD Guidelines. Cobalt is an important mineral needed to produce lithium-ion rechargeable batteries used in electric cars. The majority of the world’s cobalt is sourced from the DRC, where numerous labour rights and human rights violations have been reported in the country’s mines.

Prior to filing the NCP complaint, the complainants requested Stellantis Italy provide information about its cobalt (and other minerals) suppliers in the DRC. In its reply, the company referred generally to initiatives it had undertaken, but did not identify its cobalt suppliers in the DRC.

The complainants request the Italian NCP’s assistance to encourage the company to disclose the relevant information on its cobalt supply chain.

Relevant OECD Guidelines


On 11 April 2022, the Italian NCP decided that it did not have jurisdiction to hear the complaint as Stellantis Italy’s parent company, Stellantis NV, is headquartered in the Netherlands. The complainants are now preparing to file a separate complaint to the Dutch NCP.

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